Answers before midnight on 9 February.
This year’s illustration competition will be printed on beer coasters. All interpretations of the theme, applications and techniques are permitted, provided that the format constraints are respected. A jury will determine the first prize and possible second and third prizes in February. The winning illustration will be printed on the front of a coaster, the back, created by us, will contain the name of the winner, a link to his or her website or contact the dates of the Central Vapeur festival and the logo of our sponsor, Meteor.

1st prize: 1000€.
Theme: BEYOND THE FRONTIERS. (see template for download).
Support and format: 10cm round beer coaster (beware of bleed).
Technique: all techniques are allowed but the final result is provided as a PSD file, 300dpi using the template to be downloaded below.
Signature: you can sign your image or not, we will credit you on the back of the coaster (made by us).
Deadline for submission: 9 February 2022 at midnight.
Can participate: all adults wishing to do so, minors are strictly forbidden.
Registration for the competition: please fill in the form below and send it in the same email as the illustration. Only one label per illustrator.
A selection of the most representative illustrations will be presented on his website.
Sending: by email, if your file is more than 5mo, please send it by a sending service such as: smash or wetransfer. Don’t forget to copy the completed registration form in your email.
Prize: the prize will be awarded during the Central Vapeur festival, on the closing night of the Garage Coop – CRIC independents’ fair on 27 March.
Selection: a selection of coaster illustrations will be shown on the Central Vapeur website and may be exhibited during the festival.
Distribution of the coasters: 5000 copies before the Central Vapeur festival by the association and La Brasserie Meteor.
Lauréates et lauréat du concours:
1st prize : Pauline Morel, strasburger passed through La Cambre and ESAL Epinal..
2nd prize: Tom Vaillant, responsible for the Artistic Direction of Central Vapeur.
3rd prize: Léa De Block , member of the Atelier Demi-douzaine, graduate of HEAR in 2021.
Gallery of the illustrations of the final selection of the jury on 120 answers received and anonymized. Thank you all for your participation.
To download:
Templates, presentation and competition rules
Formulaire d’inscription au concours d’illustration Central Vapeur 12:
Name : Firstname :
Adress :
City and Code:
E mail:
Website or link to your work (optionnal):
Phone number :